Worldobstacle World obstacle has achieved GAISF Observer Status

World obstacle has achieved GAISF Observer Status

Repost @worldobstacle : World Obstacle has achieved Observer Status within the Global Association of International Sports Federations – GAISF.

At the last GAISF Council meeting held on September 27, 2021, World Obstacle, FISO – Fédération Internationale de Sports d’Obstacles was granted the Observer status, which allows it to attend the GAISF General Assembly, as well as to participate in international events hosted by GAISF, to be assisted in becoming a WADA signatory, to acknowledge GAISF reports, and to be guided in taking the next steps towards full membership.

This is an extremely important achievement for World Obstacle because it represents the first milestone in getting the sports of Obstacle Course Racing, Ninja Competitions and Adventure Racing recognized within the international sport community.

We at World Obstacle would like to thank all the people who directly or indirectly have helped and collaborated with us in our mission to promote, develop, and grow obstacle sports around the world. All of you, members, athletes and partners are part of this first achievement to become an Olympic sport in the future!!!

We have a lot of work ahead of us!!!